Right To Information Act
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Public Information Officer Shri Venkata Suresh Maruvada, Chief Manager ( Legal ), UCIL - Jaduguda . 2. First AppellateShri Manoj Kumar, General Manager (Jaduguda Group of Mines & Mill), . CORPORATE OFFICEUranium Corporation of India Limited Registered Head Office : Jaduguda Mines, District : East Singhbhum, JHARKHAND - 832 102 [INDIA] Phone : 0657 - 2730 122/222/353 FAX : 0657-2730 322/252 |
Applications/First Appeals/Second Appeals received in Financial Year Wise from 2005 to 31-03-2023 "
Transfer Order for the period 01.01.2019 to 31.12.2019 :
Transfer Order for the period 01.01.2020 to 31.12.2020 :
Transfer Order for the period 01.01.2021 to 31.05.2021 :
Transfer Order for the period 01.06.2021 to 22.07.2023 :
Uranium Corporation of India Limited [UCIL] is a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956. Its Registered Office is situated at Jaduguda Mines, in the district of East Singhbhum, Jharkhand - 832 102. UCIL is broadly classified into seven major departments/functional areas, namely Jaduguda/Bhatin Mines, Narwapahar/Turamdih Mines, Mill, Administration, Finance and Accounts, CR&D and Stores & Purchase. Each Department is headed by a Departmental Head and smooth functioning each department consists of various sections as per the requirement of the department. These sections are headed by Sectional Heads/In-charges. Sectional Heads/In-charges are assisted by Engineers, Officers, Supporting and Technical Staffs for their day to day work. Departmental Heads regularly report to C&MD towards ensuring effective functioning and overall operations of UCIL. The details of offices of the Company are given at ANNEXURE-'A'.
Vision : UCIL is committed to meet the increasing demand of uranium in the country. The Corporation aims to deepen existing mines, expand its processing facility, open new mines in the Singhbhum Thrust belt and other parts of the country. To constantly strive to develop and implement a technology suitable for Mining and Processing of Uranium Ore at a competitive cost and to diversify towards Mining, Tunneling and process related consultancy and other project implementation ventures. Corporation will monitor health of its employees and maintain the standard on Radiological & environmental safety prescribed by national and international regulatory bodies like Atomic energy Regulatory Board (AERB) and the international Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP).
Mission : The mission of the Company is "To achieve and meet the requirement of Uranium for Nuclear Power Programme most efficiently and commensurate with prescribed standards of safety and environmental protection."
Objectives : To mine and refine uranium ore, produce concentrate and recover bi-products at the most economic cost and market them efficiently. To achieve cost effectiveness through better capacity utilisation, quality improvement & optimum utilisation of human resources and maximise surplus generation through cost control and other measures. To improve the quality of life and environment and attract the best talent available in the country through human resource development. To maximise shareholder's value. To emerge as a zero accident rate company. To implement the on-going project within the cost and time frame as determined. To evaluate new deposits for opening-up new mines and process plants.
The company is managed by the Board of Directors consisting of Chairman and Managing Director [C&MD], Director[Finance], Director[Technical] and nominated Directors from the Government of India, who are part time non-functional.List of Directors of Company's Board is given at ANNEXURE-'B'.
The functions and duties of the Directors of the Company are as follows :
Description of job and responsibilities of Directors :
1. Chairman & Managing Director
The Chairman & Managing Director is the Chief Executive of the Company and is accountable to the Board of Directors. He is responsible for the effective management and function of the Company in pursuit of its goals and objectives.
His responsibilities, interalia, include the following :
· Create a stagic vision for the growth and progress of the Company.
· Establish the basic priorities, ethical values, policies, attitudes within the Company that will boost for personal involvement and commitment to the strategic vision throughout the organisation.
· Undertake programmes for systematically strengthening management at all levels - by imparting training, development, motivation, recruitment and delegation.
· Formulate operating plans that reflect the long terms corporate objectives.
· Closely monitor the operating and financial results against agreed plans and budgets and timely remedial measures in furtherance of the Company's financial and capability.
· Provide corporate leadership with a strong conviction, clear strategic vision, intellectual capacity and management experience.
· Effective improvement in company's safety performance arising out of its products and operation.
2. Director[Finance]
Director[Finance], a whole time director, is a member of the Board of Directors of the Company. Being a board member, he is a part of the decision making process. Keeping in view of the vision and mission of the company for achieving goal set at the corporate level. Being a functional director, he is a facilitator in implementing the decisions taken at Board level. Being expert in finance, he is also responsible for prudent financial management and its accounting as per the standard and guidance in vogue. Besides, he is representing the finance in the Board of Director.
3. Director[Technical]
Director[Technical] is also a member on the Board of Directors and reports to C&MD. He oversees Company's project activities as well as for existing processing plant and newly coming up processing plant, expansion schemes, including feasibility studies, techno-economic evaluations and planning and implementation of the newly coming up processing plant. He also looks after all the technical and engineering services, personnel and administration, required for the satisfactory performance of various units and projects of the Company. He assists the C&MD in the formulation of personnel policies of the Company of corporate level. He also monitors performance of Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
The Organisation Chart of the Company giving details of channels & Supervision is given at ANNEXURE - ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE.
In order to achieve the targets UCIL signs every year Memorandum of Understanding [MOU] with the Administrative Ministry, Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India.
UCIL has adopted a well defined Delegation of Powers keeping in view operational requirements for discharge of its functions at various level
The Company has various rules for smooth functioning of day to day works in relation to its employees. Besides the rules, it has also manuals to regulate purchase procedures etc.
The details of these Rules and manuals are as follows :
1. UCIL Recruitment and Promotion Rules and Executive Cadre Scheme
These Rules contain recruitment & promotion for its employees, their promotion and superannuation besides, reservation of posts for SC/ST/OBC etc. in accordance with Govt. Directives as applicable from time to time. Executive Cadre Scheme specifically prescribe opportunity for growth & opportunity for development of Executives holding Group-'A' and 'B' posts. It also prescribes channel of promotion of eligible officers and supervisors within the company besides, the procedures for recruitment, contract employment and absorption of deputationists. Under the said scheme lump sum incentive is payable for acquiring higher qualifications useful in the discharge of higher official work after joining company service.
The Company has various categories of documents in its procession such as, service records of each of the employees, statement of remuneration received by each of the employees, details of employees including their date of superannuation, various ledgers etc.
UCIL, being a non-commercial organisation, it does not have any members of public for consultation. However, for the purpose of rehabilitation and resettlement of families displaced/to be displaced/affected in connection with projects and peripheral development around the units, various committees consisting of representatives of local state administration, the elected local peoples representatives and company's executives are constituted from time to time.
The statement of board of directors and its various committees is as follows :
The statement of Board of Directors and its various committees
Board of Directors :
At present the Board of the company is comprised of ten Directors viz. Chairman-cum-Managing Director, two functional Directors and five Non-functional Directors.
Board Meets regularly and is responsible for the proper direction and management of the company. Company Secretary is responsible to the Board for ensuring Board procedures vis-a-vis Companies Act and rules made there under and all the applicable rules and regulations are complied with.
The following Committees of the Board have been constituted with specific responsibilities assigned to each of these committees:
Audit Committee :
The function of Audit Committee besides, various provisions under the Companies Act, 1956, are as follows :
(a) Review of internal control systems,
(b) Review of half yearly and annual accounts of the company,
(c) Fixing scope of internal audit,
(d) Investigate into any matter as may be referred to it by the board.
Company Secretary is the Secretary of the Audit Committee and Director(Finance) participates in its deliberations without having a right to vote.
Each of the employees in workmen category receives monthly remuneration containing Basic Pay, Dearness Allowance, Conveyance Reimbursement Allowance, Production Incentive, Jaduguda Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Attendance Bonus, Night Shift Allowance, Washing Allowance, Site Allowance, Underground Allowance etc. depending upon the grade and scale of pay. However, officers and supervisors are not entitled to Attendance Bonus, Night Shift Allowance, Site Allowance. The details of the grades and pay scales are given below :
A) Officers and Supervisors :
All Officers and supervisors are in the IDA scales of pay as per the guidelines issued by the Dept. of Public Enterprises, Govt. of India. The existing IDA pattern scales applicable to officers and supervisors of the company are in operation since 01.01.1017 for a period of ten years. The existing designations, grades, and pay scales of officers and supervisors are as under :
*List of Group-A & B as on 03.08.2023 with thier pay .
*Revised grade of all workmen effective 01.04.2018 .
Grade | scales of pay w.e.f.01.01.2007 (Rs.) | Revised scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 (Rs.) |
E0 | 12600-32500/- | 30000- 120000/- |
E1 | 16400-40500/- | 40000- 140000/- |
E2 | 20600-46500/- | 50000- 160000/- |
E3 | 24900-50500/- | 60000- 180000/- |
E4 | 29100-54500/- | 70000- 200000/- |
E5 | 32900-58000/- | 80000- 220000/- |
E6 | 36600-62000/- | 90000- 240000/- |
E7 | 43200-66000/- | 100000-260000/- |
E8 | 51300-73000/- | 120000-280000/- |
Grade | Existing scales of pay w.e.f.01.01.2007 (Rs.) | Revised scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 (Rs.) |
Director | 65000-75000/- | 160000-290000/- |
Chairman & Managing Director | 75000-90000/- | 180000-320000/- |
UCIL is engaged in uranium mining and processing for the production of Magnesium-Di-uranite(MDU), a prescribed substance under the provision of the Atomic Energy Act, 1962. However, it receives budgetary support in the nature of equity capital from the government for its new projects.
Detailed information in respect of the company has been made available in the Company's website:uraniumcorp.in
First Appellate
Shri Manoj Kumar,
General Manager (Jaduguda Group of Mines & Mill),
Uranium Corporation of India Limited
P.O.- Jaduguda Mines
Dist.- East Singhbhum
JHARKHAND - 832102
Phone: +91-657-2731047, +91-657-6450655,
Fax: 0657-2730129
The Company will provide such other information as may be prescribed under the Rules framed under the Right to Information Act, 2005 and there after update these publications every year.
Uranium is a matter of strategic importance and has impact on the security of the Nation.