Jaduguda Mill

Ore from Jaduguda, Bhatin, Bagjata and Narwapahar mines is processed in the processing plant (Mill) at Jaduguda. It is located adjacent to Jaduguda mine. Uranium is extracted from ore by hydro-metallurgical process. After three stages of crushing, and two stages of wet grinding, the slurry thus obtained is pumped to leaching pachucas for dissolution of Uranium. The leached slurry is filtered to obtain liquor containing uranium which is purified and concentrated by ion exchange method. Uranium is then precipitated from this concentrated liquor as magnesium Di-Uranate, generally known as “YELLOW CAKE”. This is thickened, washed, filtered and dried in the spray dryer and finally packed in drums and then sent to Nuclear Fuel Complex at Hyderabad for further processing into UO2 pellets..
The plant has undergone several modifications adopting technologies to maximize the re-use of water, high recovery of the product and minimum discharge of effluents. It has several automated process control mechanism and online monitoring systems.